Every proposed ordinance shall receive three separate readings by the Town Council previous to passage.
(A) First reading. The first reading of a proposed ordinance shall be for information, but may be read by title only, and such title shall clearly set forth the nature of the contents, and the proposed ordinance shall be immediately referred to the proper committee, or such may be taken up by the entire Council.
(B) Second reading. Every proposed ordinance shall be read through by sections at its second reading, and at such reading, it shall be in order to commit, to amend, to lay upon the table, to postpone or to pass to its third reading by a majority vote of all members-elect. Any proposed ordinance failing to receive a majority vote of all the members-elect at its second reading be considered lost. A proposed ordinance may be stricken from the files by a vote of three-fourths of all the members-elect before or after it has passed its second reading.
(C) Third reading. On the third reading of any proposed ordinance, no amendment shall be in order, except by a vote of three-fourths of the members-elect of the Town Council, and in no case shall the reading of any such proposed ordinance by sections be dispensed with on the third reading, except by unanimous vote. At any time before the final passage, a proposed ordinance may be recommitted. Failing to receive a majority of the votes of all members present on the third reading, an ordinance is lost and shall be stricken from the files.
(Prior Code, § 4.03)