(A)   Rules of order. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern, except where inconsistent with standing rules.
   (B)   Change of rules. Any rule or rules of this Council may be changed, altered or amended by a majority vote of the Council, but the same shall not be passed at the same meeting it is or they are submitted.
   (C)   Addressing the Council. When any member is about to speak, he or she shall address the Chair, and upon being recognized, shall confine himself or herself to the question before the Council, avoiding all personalities.
   (D)   Censure. If any member, in speaking or in any other manner, transgresses the rules of the Council, the Chair shall immediately call such member to order. Said member shall immediately sit down and not be at liberty to proceed, except by consent of the other Council members. If the violation be of such magnitude as to require censure, he or she shall be liable thereto, subject to Council discussion.
   (E)   Motions. When a motion has been made and seconded, the Chair shall state it, or if in writing, cause it to be read aloud by the Clerk-Treasurer and attached to said ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 10.12)