(A)   Generally. The Office of Clerk-Treasurer is a combined office with the following duties:
      (1)   To have custody of the town seal, records, books and papers of the Town Council;
      (2)   To record the proceedings of the Council;
      (3)   To issue licenses;
      (4)   To administer oaths and take depositions;
      (5)   To be responsible for the town funds under the direction of the Town Council;
      (6)   Office Manager of town utilities; and
      (7)   Payment of claims approved by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 11.09)
   (B)   Pre-approved payment of claims.
      (1)   The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby granted the authority to issue any checks between Town Council meetings which would otherwise incur late charges, loss of discount, penalties or other constraints for the following types of expenses:
         (a)   Property or services purchased or leased from:
            1.   The United States government; or
            2.   An agency or a political subdivision of the United States government.
         (b)   License fees or permit fees;
         (c)   Insurance premiums;
         (d)   Utility payments or utility connection charges;
         (e)   Federal grant programs if:
            1.   Advance funding is not prohibited; and
            2.   The contracting party provides sufficient security for the amount advanced.
         (f)   Grants of state funds authorized by statute;
         (g)   Maintenance agreements or service agreements;
         (h)   Lease agreements or rental agreements;
         (i)   Principal and interest payments on bonds;
         (j)   Payroll; and
         (k)   State, federal or county taxes.
      (2)   The Town Council or the board having jurisdiction over the allowance of the claim shall review and allow the claim at the Council or board’s next regular or special meeting following the pre-approved payment of the expense.
(Prior Code, § 11.10)
(Ord. 6-92, passed 8-10-1992)