The powers of the Town Council are to:
   (A)   Elect a President;
   (B)   Make and establish such bylaws, ordinances and regulations as may be necessary and not repugnant to the laws of this state, and to repeal, alter or amend the same as deemed necessary;
   (C)   Determine the salaries to be received by the Council members, Clerk-Treasurer, appointive personnel and employees of the town as consistent with the state statutes, and to have the right to change the salaries at any time it deems proper, such change to be affected by a majority vote;
   (D)   Codify and publish town ordinances;
   (E)   Appoint a Town Attorney;
   (F)   Appoint a Fire Chief; organize fire companies and provide equipment;
   (G)   Appoint a Street Commissioner; lay, open, pave and maintain streets, alleys, sewers and sidewalks and regulate travel upon streets and thoroughfares;
   (H)   Levy taxes within statutory limitations, subject to review by the county’s Board of Tax Adjustment and the state’s Board of Tax Commissioners;
   (I)   Purchase and hold real estate necessary for carrying out town functions;
   (J)   Build and repair municipal structures;
   (K)   Insure public property of the town;
   (L)   Purchase and maintain cemeteries;
   (M)   Plant trees and acquire land for park purposes;
   (N)   Rent or lease park lands to individuals or organizations for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a public swimming pool;
   (O)   Provide recreation facilities for the town and establish a Board of Parks and Recreation to conduct playground and recreational centers;
   (P)   Create a Plan Commission to promote orderly development of its governmental units and environs;
   (Q)   Provide for the lighting of streets and public places;
   (R)   Regulate rail travel within the town and require the lighting of railroad crossings;
   (S)   Contract with owners of real estate for the construction of storm and sanitary sewers within the town, or within four miles of the corporate limits;
   (T)   May establish a town drainage district upon petition;
   (U)   May establish and regulate markets and build market houses;
   (V)   Provide for a town pound;
   (W)   Determine what constitutes a public nuisance and provide for its abatement;
   (X)   Regulate salespersons, merchants, itinerant vendors and street auctions;
   (Y)   Carry out other necessary functions of the town corporation;
   (Z)   Maintain electric and water utilities;
   (AA)   Remove, or contract for the removal of, garbage, trash and refuse; and
   (BB)   All other powers not prohibited by law.
(Prior Code, § 11.08)