§ 20.259.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT.
   The Parks/Recreation/Open Space District (PRO) is established to preserve the city's natural resources, protect environmental issues, and provide open space areas for active and passive recreational uses. The specific intent of the PRO zoning district is to implement the Natural Open Space and Parks/Recreation/Open Space land use categories of the Land Use Element and the Community Resources Element in the city's General Plan. To distinguish and protect large natural open areas from more active recreational land uses, the PRO zoning district recognizes two land use categories within the district:
   A.   PRO-Natural Open Space (PRO-NOS). Uses in this area do not typically include facilities for "active recreation" such as baseball fields, and tennis courts but provide serene environments with amenities such as meadows, ponds, large open spaces and trails. This category shall be used to implement the Natural Open Space land use category from the General Plan.
   B.   PRO-Parks/Recreation (PRO-P/R). Uses in this area include a variety of facilities for recreation and amenities such as playgrounds, community buildings/centers, swimming pools, and sports fields. This category shall be used to implement the Parks/Recreation/Open Space land use category from the General Plan.
(Ord. 1089, passed 3-7-06)