The following property development standards shall apply to all land and buildings in the C-RC Zone:
   A.   Lot area.
      1.   Minimum lot area - One (1) acre except public utility uses which may have a minimum area of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
   B.   Lot dimensions.
      1.   Minimum width. A lot shall not be less than two hundred (200) feet in width.
   C.   Building height.
      1.   Buildings and structures erected in the C-RC Zone shall have a height no greater than thirty-five (35) feet.
      2.   Structures permitted above height limits. Roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the buildings and fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, steeples, flagpoles, chimneys, wireless and televisions masts, water tanks, or similar structures may be erected above the maximum height permitted in each zone. No structure shall be allowed for purposes of providing additional floor space.
   D.   Yards and setbacks.
      1.   Front yard. A minimum thirty-five (35) foot yard shall be required. Said yard shall be kept and maintained free and clear of all buildings and structures, trailers, mobile homes, boats, off-street parking or storage of materials. The front fifteen (15) feet shall be landscaped.
      2.   Side yard on a corner lot. A minimum fifteen (15) foot landscaped yard shall be required along the street side of a corner lot.
      3.   Side and rear yards. A minimum one hundred (100) foot yard area shall be required along any side or rear property line adjacent to any residential zone.
   E.   Walls, fences, landscaping and property maintenance.  
      1.   Required walls. The Commission may require a six (6) foot masonry wall along any property line which abuts any residential zone as a condition of the plan review where such wall is deemed necessary and practical to protect these abutting areas.
      2.   Permitted fences and walls. Fences and walls not to exceed seven (7) feet in height shall be permitted within any side or rear yard area or along any common property line provided, however, that the wall or fence does not exceed a height of thirty (30) inches within the front yard or side yard on the street side of a corner or reversed corner lot.
      3.   Height of walls and fences. The height of walls and fences shall be measured from the highest ground level immediately adjacent to the base of the wall.
      4.   Landscaping. The provisions of § 20.236.040.M.5. of C-G Zone shall apply.
      5.   Property maintenance. The provisions of § 20.236.040.M.6. of C-G Zone shall apply.
   F.   Distance between buildings. No requirements
   G.   Floor area ratio. No requirements
   H.   Off-street parking loading. The provisions of § 20.08.040 of this title shall apply.
   I.   Access. Access to all off-street parking and loading areas shall conform with requirements of the City Engineer, and shall be subject to modification by the Planning Commission upon review of the site plans.
   J.   Signs. The provisions of Chapter 20.28 of this title shall apply.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 873, passed 9-5-89; Am. Ord. 1250, passed 5-21-24)