§ 20.206.110 EDGES.
   A.   Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of establishing standards for edges in the Hillside Residential zone is to ensure that proper landscape setbacks are provided to separate residential uses from non-residential uses and to allow for transitions between natural open space and development. Landscape setbacks along roads create aesthetic and spatial benefits, allowing for thematic landscape screening between public and private spaces in a community. In areas where a project backs against natural open space, proper landscape setbacks in combination with fuel modification zones is essential for providing proper transitions between open space and residential development.
   B.   Road systems along project edges. Road systems shall be placed along project edges to the greatest extent practicable to maximize the use of aesthetic landscape buffers surrounding a development and to buffer residential neighborhoods from vehicular traffic. Project edges along roadway systems shall consist of varied slope and landscape treatments to provide visual interest.
Figure 20.206.110.B
Road systems placed along project edges create a buffer between the project and adjacent land uses. This strategy, as illustrated above, can also provide a way to take advantage of panoramic views.
(Ord. 1079, passed 11-2-04)