A.   No vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of six thousand (6,000) pounds shall be used on any street within the city except a vehicle subject to the provisions of Cal. Pub. Util. Code, §§ 1031 to 1036, inclusive, any vehicle otherwise exempted by any provision or provisions of state law, any vehicle complying with § 10.40.020 of this code and except as provided in paragraphs B. and C. of this section.
   B.   The following truck routes are established for use by vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of six thousand (6,000) pounds during all hours of the day:
Central Avenue, West City Limit to Berry Street
Lambert Road, West City Limit to Berry Street
Imperial Highway, West City Limit to East City Limit
Carbon Canyon Road, Valencia Avenue to East City Limit
Puente Street, Central Avenue to Imperial Highway
Berry Street, Central Avenue to Imperial Highway
Brea Boulevard, North City Limit to South City Limit
State College Boulevard, Birch Street to South City Limit
Kraemer Boulevard, Imperial Highway to South City Limit
Valencia Avenue, Lambert Road/Carbon Canyon Road to Imperial Highway
Route 57 Freeway, North City Limit to South City Limit
Birch Street, Voyager Avenue to Valencia Avenue
Enterprise Street, Ranger Avenue to Surveyor Avenue
Voyager Avenue, Birch Street to Enterprise Street
Surveyor Street, Enterprise Street to Nasa Street
Nasa Street, Westerly Terminus to Valencia Avenue
   C.   In addition to the truck routes established in paragraph B., the following truck route is established for use by vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of six thousand (6,000) pounds from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. during any day:
Central Avenue, Berry Street to Brea Boulevard
State College Boulevard, Brea Boulevard to Birch Street
Lambert Road, Berry Street to Route 57 Freeway
Valencia Avenue, Northerly Terminus to Lambert Road/Carbon Canyon Road
   D.   Attached to Ord. No 1177 as Exhibit A, incorporated by reference herein and on file in the City Clerk's office, is a plat delineating the truck routes established by this section.
   E.   Paragraph B. shall not apply to vehicles that are subject to the prohibition in § 10.40.060.
(‘61 Code, § 14.90) (Ord. 718, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 729, passed 6-1-82; Am. Ord. 769, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 771, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 881, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1177, passed 1-20-15; Am. Ord. 1239, passed 2-6-24)