A.   On a need and necessity basis, the city shall contract with one (1) or more licensees, following a competitive selection process, for provision of ambulance services in response to emergencies within the city or any designated emergency response area therein. Said contracts shall provide for one (1) primary contractor per emergency response area, with secondary or back-up service by other emergency ambulance service operators as deemed necessary by the city. In awarding a contract or contracts, the city shall consider the comparative value of competing proposals in the same manner as proposals from prospective service providers for other city services, including consideration of:
      1.   The quality of service proposed to be provided;
      2.   The level of service proposed to be provided;
      3.   The cost, if any, to the city;
      4.   The rates proposed to be charged for services to be provided;
      5.   Past performance history of prospective ambulance service operators based upon references and recommendations by the public and/or other public agencies; and
      6.   Any prior revocations of any licenses or permits necessary to operate an ambulance service.
   B.   The Fire Chief shall administer the contract or contracts for ambulance service awarded by the City Council under this section. Unless sooner terminated as provided therein, the term of each contract shall be three (3) years and, at the discretion of the Fire Chief with concurrence of the City Council, such contract may be renewed annually thereafter without utilizing a competitive selection process. The Fire Chief shall also prepare and keep a current list specifying the primary and secondary contract ambulance service operators for the city and any designated emergency response area therein.
   C.   In the event no proposals acceptable to the city are received for the city, or any designated emergency response area, following the competitive selection process referred to in this section, the city may designate one (1) or more licensees to provide emergency ambulance services on a need and necessity basis, until an ambulance service agreement is entered for the affected area(s).
   D.   No person shall provide ambulance service in the city in response to, or as a result of, an emergency unless that person is a licensee requested by a physician or public safety agency. A licensee requested by a physician need not be a contractor selected pursuant to this section. Any ambulance service operator receiving a request for emergency ambulance service from other than a public safety agency shall immediately advise a public safety agency having jurisdiction in the location of such request.
      1.   No licensee responding to an emergency shall transport a patient unless:
         a.   A paramedic is present at the location of the patient; or
         b.   A physician is present at the location of the patient and directs transportation in the absence of a paramedic; or
         c.   A qualified public safety employee of the city Fire Department, or a duly authorized employee of a public safety agency, requests transportation in the absence of a paramedic.
      2.   Unless otherwise directed by a physician present at the location of the patient, a licensee shall transport a patient pursuant to county operational rules and regulations.
('61 Code, § 1A.6) (Ord. 933, passed - - )