A franchise application or renewal application may be denied whenever the Chief of Police determines that:
A. The applicant has made a material misrepresentation in the application;
B. The applicant or any ten percent (10%) or greater owner has been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor in connection with the provision of towing services, or any crime constituting a form of theft or fraud in connection with any other services rendered to the public, within the previous ten (10) years;
C. The applicant does not, or is likely to not, comply with the requirements of this chapter including, but not limited to, requirements for tow trucks and equipment, or vehicle storage yards;
D. The applicant is unlikely to be able to provide official towing services on a consistent and uninterrupted basis, based upon the applicant’s history as a tow service operator, including, but not limited to, prior towing permit revocation or other disciplinary action, any adverse civil judgment or settlement, bankruptcy or any other relevant, verifiable facts bearing upon the likely ability of the applicant to consistently satisfy the requirements of this chapter throughout the term of a franchise.
(Ord. 1070, passed 6-1-04)