After notice and hearing, the City Manager may suspend or revoke any permit granted pursuant to this article if he or she finds and determines that any permittee, agent or employee thereof, or any person connected or associated with the permittee as partner, director, officer, general manager, or other person exercising managerial authority of, or on behalf of, the permittee or any entertainer acting under the authority of such permit has:
A. Made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of a material fact in the application for permit, or in any report or record required to be filed pursuant to this article; or
B. Violated any provision of this article or any statute, ordinance, or condition relating to the permitted activity; or
C. Been convicted of a felony; or
D. Violated any rules, regulations or conditions imposed upon the permittee's business or permit; or
E. Conducted a permitted business in a manner contrary to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the public; or
F. Demonstrated a lack of fitness to be trusted with the privileges granted by such a permit.
The decision of the City Manager shall be set forth in a statement of decision which shall become final ten (10) business days thereafter unless appealed in accordance with the provisions of § 5.228.340.