A.   Open market purchases. The Public Works Director may execute written contracts for public works projects of a value within the open market purchase limit specified in the purchasing policy. Such purchases may be made without competitive bidding.
   B.   Informal solicitation purchases. The Public Works Director may use the procedure set forth in this paragraph for public works project contract awards within the informal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy.
      1.   The city shall maintain a list of all qualified contractors, identified according to categories of work. The criteria for development and maintenance of the contractors list shall be as determined by the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission.
      2.   Not less than ten (10) calendar days before offers will be due, the Public Works Director shall issue an offer invitation notice to all qualified contractors on the list for the category of work being solicited or to all trade journals specified pursuant to Cal. Pub. Cont. Code § 22036, or both, unless the product or service is proprietary. The notice shall describe the project in general terms and how to obtain more detailed information about the project, and shall state the time and place for submission of offers.
      3.   All received offers that are timely shall be evaluated by the Public Works Department.
      4.   The Public Works Director shall award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible offeror or shall reject all offers. If all offers are rejected, then the Public Works Director may cancel the procurement or may reissue the solicitation.
      5.   If all offers received are in excess of the public works project informal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy, then, by adoption of a resolution by four-fifths vote, and upon determining that the city’s cost estimate was reasonable, the City Council may award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible offeror in an amount up to the limit specified in the purchasing policy for such circumstances.
   C.   Formal purchases. The Public Works Director shall use the formal solicitation procedure set forth in the UPCCAA for public works project contract awards within the formal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy.
   D.   Execution. Public works project purchases shall be executed by both a written contract and a purchase order. Any such purchase order may be executed by the Purchasing Agent or the Administrative Services Director as applicable. Written contracts for an open market purchase, and for an informal solicitation purchase within the informal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy, may be executed by the Public Works Director. All other written contracts may be executed by the Mayor or City Manager.
   E.   Administration. Public works project contract administration will be the responsibility of the Public Works Department.
(Ord. 1198, passed 11-21-17)