(A)   Before locating any gasoline station filling station, the person, company or corporation desiring to do so shall give notice in writing to the Committee or to the Common Council of his or her desire to locate a gasoline filling station and shall set out in a notice a description of the place on which it is desired to locate the same.
   (B)   The Street and Alley Committee or the city engineer, together with the person or the representative of the company or corporation, shall go over the street, alley or public place named in the notice and the committee, city engineer shall designate the exact place where the filling station shall be erected and maintained, subject however, to future removal or relocation on reasonable notice from the city in the event of reasonable requirements of street or other public improvements or other reasonable necessity for the removal or relocation of the filling station; and the city shall be the sole judge of the reasonable necessity for the removal or relocation of any filling station at any subsequent time.
(1982 Code, § 114.02)  (Ord. 17-1931, passed 9-22-1931)  Penalty, see § 115.99