All contracts shall be subject to cancellation at the option of the Waterworks, and service thereunder may be discontinued by the Waterworks for any of the following reasons:
   (A)   For misrepresentations or concealment in the application as to the premises or fixtures to be furnished with water supply service or the use to be made of the service;
   (B)   For adding to the premises or fixtures, or to the use to be made of the water supply service, without notice, in writing, to the Waterworks, and first obtaining its written assent to the addition;
   (C)   For waste or excessive use of water through improper or imperfect pipes, fixtures or appliances or in any other manner;
   (D)   For refusal or neglect to make or renew any advance payment, if any is required by the Waterworks, or to pay bills for service rendered when due, or for refusal or neglect to comply with any requirements of the Waterworks as to meter or service connection maintenance, alteration or renewal, or other requirements relating to the water supply service of the Waterworks;
   (E)   For the use of water supply service for or in connection with or for the benefit of any other premises or purpose than that described in the application, where pipes or plumbing fixtures have been installed without securing a permit therefor from the Waterworks, or where the arrangements of the pipes or the plumbing fixtures are not in accordance with the rules of the Waterworks;
   (F)   For any interference or tampering, whether by act or omission, with the seals on any meter, or with any meter box or vault, or with service pipes or valves or any seals thereon, or with the curb stop cock, or with any appliance of the Waterworks or with any appliance of the owner, which was or is required by the Waterworks for controlling or regulating the water supply service. For the purpose of this rule, any interference or tampering by any person whomsoever with any appliances used in connection with or for controlling or regulating the water supply service to any premises shall be construed and taken to be the act or omission of the consumer at the premises;
   (G)   For failure to maintain, protect and safeguard the meter in working order satisfactory to the Waterworks, where the meter is owned by either the consumer or the Waterworks;
   (H)   In cases of continued vacancy of the premises;
   (I)   For violation of any rule of the Waterworks;
   (J)   When there has been a change in occupancy of the premises, but no application from the new consumer has been made and approved by the Waterworks;
   (K)   When there has been a discontinuance of the use of the water or of the service of the Waterworks;
   (L)   When the contract has been in any way terminated by the consumer. Likewise, unless all bills, accounts and charges of the Waterworks have been paid or until they are properly secured to the satisfaction of the Waterworks;
   (M)   When any consumer refuses or neglects payment of any bills, accounts or charges for or on account of the premises;
   (N)   When the consumer commits any act of bankruptcy or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or has made against him or her an application for the appointment of receiver;
   (O)   When the Waterworks has been or is being defrauded in any way; and/or
   (P)   When any consumer becomes irresponsible or on his or her death.
(1982 Code, § 51.16)  (Ord. 21-1931, passed 9-22-1931)