The developer of any parcel or parcels of land for which a preliminary plan has been approved by Council may submit a final plan of the development area. Any such plan shall be filed with the Commissioner of Buildings and, upon payment of the appropriate fees, shall be submitted by him to the Planning Commission.
   The final plan of the development area shall contain and be accompanied by the following:
(a)   Proposed system of streets and private ways, including detailed plans and specifications for all streets, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewers, water mains, street illumination, shade trees and other important engineering considerations, in accordance with Chapters 1133, 1135 and 1137 and all other applicable regulations of the Village.
(b)   Plat of the development area showing street rights of way, private and common land and easements in accordance with the requirements of all of the Codes of the Village.
(c)   Plan of the area containing the accurate location of each existing structure to be retained, if any, and detailed plans and specifications for each proposed structure, relationship to street system including driveways, parking and loading areas, illumination facilities, methods of private waste disposal, pedestrian walks, common land, landscaping and finished grades, all of which shall comply with the standards of Chapters 1133, 1135 and 1137 and all other applicable regulations of the Village.
(d)   Detailed landscape plan for public and private lands within the development area.
(e)   Proposed rental agreements, final form of covenants running with the land, deed restrictions including the use of common land, covenants, restrictions or easements to be recorded, and covenants or provisions for private maintenance.
(f)   Estimated project cost including estimates for all public and private improvements.
(g)   Sources and commitments for financing.
(h)   Construction schedule and land disposition program.
(i)   In the event the final plan of a development area includes a subdivision of land, any map, plat or other data required for compliance with the provisions of Chapter 1133, prescribing subdividing procedures.
(j)   The Commission may require additional drawings to supplement the above where more information is needed or special conditions occur.
(k)   In the event the approved preliminary plan included the phasing of development, the final plan shall designate appropriate boundaries for the proposed initial phase. All of the submittals required by subsections (a) through (j) hereof shall nevertheless be required for the entire development area to permit evaluation of the development as a whole, except that the requirements for detailed architectural, landscaping and certain improvement plans and specifications, and the requirement of disclosing sources and commitments for financing, may be waived for areas other than that designated within the boundaries of the initial phase.
Required submittals that have been waived for subsequent phases shall be submitted and approved by the Commission prior to proceeding with the development and construction of any such subsequent phase within an approved final plan of a planned development area.
(Ord. 2242. Passed 7-13-81.)