(a)   Purpose and Objectives. The Village recognizes that skillful and high-quality design and arrangement of buildings, structures and outdoor areas is an important factor in the development of residential areas and in the maintenance and protection of the health, safety, general welfare and property values throughout the community. In establishing the land planning and design criteria, guidelines and requirements, it is he purpose and intent of the Village to achieve the following basic objectives in the planning and design of planned residential development areas:
(1)   Preservation of the unique residential character along Lake Shore Boulevard in terms of privacy from any street and spacious internal landscaped grounds.
(2)   Insurance of public safety including vehicular and pedestrian traffic and accessibility of dwelling units for emergency services.
(3)   Creation of appropriate settings, incentive for innovative and outstanding architectural design, integrated with land planning for the site.
(4)   Preservation of the existing character and unique views in the Village including the visual character of the community in terms of scale, architectural design and landscaping.
(5)   Protection and maintenance of the shoreline of Lake Erie.
(6)   Protection and maintenance of light, air and views for neighboring property.
   (b)   Access to Site. Vehicular access to PRD sites shall be located and designed specifically to:
(1)   Provide a safe entrance and egress from the site with adequate visibility and sight distances and respect for existing intersections and driveways;
(2)   Preserve, insofar as practicable, existing walls, gates, landscaping and other features;
(3)   Permit access by fire protection and other emergency vehicles and normal service vehicles; and
(4)   Prevent through traffic.
   Any street or private way shall be located not less then twenty feet from any adjoining property line at the intersection with the street line and such intersection shall be at ninety degrees as nearly as practicable.
   Streets or private ways shall be developed in accordance with Chapters 1135 and 1137 and shall be paved to a width of not less than twenty-five feet for a distance of not less than seventy-five feet from the street property line. Streets or private ways may be divided with a landscaped median to separate entering and exiting traffic. Such median shall be not less than eight nor more than twenty feet in width and each roadway shall be paved to a width of not less than twenty-one feet.
   If a street or private way serves more than 40 PRD units or if a conditional accessory use requires more than 60 parking spaces, the minimum width of the separate street or private way thereto shall be 25 feet. If access to the site is to be controlled by a private security guard, facilities for control shall be located so as to be visible from the street and to prevent obstruction of traffic in the street by automobile awaiting access.
   (c)   Internal Circulation. Internal circulation may be by a street or private way. Such street or private way shall be located to provide adequate access to all units and parking areas for safety and convenience purposes, to minimize intrusion upon the views and landscaped areas of the site, and to minimize impact upon adjoining properties, and shall be located not less than twenty feet from any property line and be adequately screened and buffered with landscaped areas from such adjoining property and shall be located not less than twenty feet from any principal building, except for direct access into enclosed parking facilities or convenient “drop-offs” at building entrances.
   Such streets or private ways shall be established by dedication or by recorded private easements, declarations or covenants, which shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 1135 and 1137.
   Internal pedestrian circulation shall be provided by an internal walkway system
which shall provide safe pedestrian access between each dwelling unit and Lake Erie, where applicable, and between each dwelling unit and required resident and guest parking areas, and such common facilities as swimming pools or tennis courts and other major accessory uses as the Planning Commission may decide.
   Such walkways shall be integrated with the landscaping for the site and with the
arrangement of buildings to assure safe and convenient access and to prevent unnecessary conflict between common walkways and areas and the privacy of individual units.
   (d)   Parking Area and Facilities.
(1)   Entrances to garages shall be located and designed so as not to interfere with the safe movement of traffic into and within the site and should be located and screened to minimize their visibility from the street and surrounding properties and from the principal views of dwelling units within the site.
(2)   Required additional parking for guest and visitor use located in open parking areas shall be located not less than seventy-five (75) feet from any property line abutting Lake Shore Boulevard and not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any other property line. If such additional guest and visitor parking is provided within partially enclosed or enclosed garages, such parking shall be located in compliance with all appropriate regulations in this chapter governing accessory structures and parking garages.
(3)   All guest and visitor parking provided in open areas shall be paved in accordance with specifications approved by the Village Engineer and shall be maintained free from dust, paper, other loose particles, snow and ice. The design and arrangement of such parking spaces shall not interrupt or conflict with the normal movement of vehicles on the site or restrict access to any other required parking areas or facilities on the site. Guest and visitor parking areas shall be distributed throughout the site and at least the required number of such additional spaces shall be located within 250 feet of the principal entrance of a dwelling unit or dwelling structure.
   (e)   Provision for Services and Service Facilities.
(1)   Within any planned residential development area, appropriate facilities for the private disposal of trash, garbage and rubbish shall be provided.
(2)   The developer shall demonstrate that the proposed development plan has made adequate provisions for access by delivery and service vehicles, trash, garbage and rubbish removal vehicles, and emergency service vehicles to all dwellings in compliance with the provisions of Chapters 1135 and 1137 and all other applicable regulations.
(3)   All utility services, including, but not limited to, electric, telephone and television cable, shall be installed underground throughout the entire development.
(4)   Any necessary above-ground service, storage or utility facilities shall be completely screened with decorative walls and/or landscaping from the surrounding area and shall comply with all requirements for accessory structures.
   (f)   Building Arrangement and Spacing. The criteria for building spacing arrangement set forth in this section are intended to provide considerable latitude and flexibility to encourage variety, innovation and high quality in the design and arrangement of buildings and landscape features.
   Developers in planned residential development areas are encouraged to cluster buildings and structures to provide for efficiency of accessibility and service, to provide variety in the size and character of outdoor spaces and areas, and to preserve large open grounds which are characteristic of traditional development in the Village. The site and architectural design shall provide for the privacy of each dwelling unit.
   All dwellings units shall be provided with adequate light and air, means of egress and separations for fire protection, as required by the Village Building Code and the Ohio Basic Building Code.
   The minimum distance between any two units in a planned residential development area shall be:
(1)   A minimum of forty feet between facing walls with living space less than sixty feet in length or between facing walls which have an overlapping portion less than sixty feet in length.
(2)    A minimum of twenty-five feet when a wall with living space faces a garage.
(3)   A minimum of twenty-five feet between garages.
(Ord. 3051. Passed 1-17-01.)