The standards, criteria and requirements set forth in this section are intended as minimums for development in planned residential development areas to provide protection and assurance to surrounding development and to prevent development which is incompatible, undesirable and unsuccessful within the Village.
   The various area, height and site planning standards, criteria and requirements are as follows:
(a)   Minimum Development Area. Sites which are the subject of the individual applications for development plan approval under the provisions of this chapter shall be comprised of a single parcel or a group of contiguous parcels for which the applicant has secured written authorization from the owner(s) of record to make such application and which shall contain in the aggregate not less than 5 acres when such group of contiguous parcels are consolidated into one. Development plans for sites containing less than the required minimum land area may be submitted under the provisions of this chapter as additions to a large planned residential development areas then in force, provided such additions are contiguous to such previously approved areas and are integrated into an overall preliminary and final development plan for the total combined sites and otherwise are in accordance with all other requirements of this chapter.
(b)   The maximum density shall not exceed 1.5 dwelling units per acre. Within an individual planned residential development area the dwelling units need not be distributed evenly, however, the total number of units shall not exceed the product of the total number of acres of land multiplied by the permitted density.
(c)   Land Coverage. Land coverage means the total land area within a planned residential development area that is occupied or covered by structures, including dwellings, garages, storage buildings and surface parking areas, but not including terraces, walls, pools, walks and similar landscaping or outdoor recreational areas, internal circulation and access drives, public rights-of-way, and utility easements and not including the area of any structure which extends less than three feet above average finished grade and which is developed as a terrace, pool or similar landscaped outdoor area. For a PRD area, land coverage shall not exceed twenty- two percent (22%) of the total site area. In additional, total land coverage for a PRD area, including terraces, walls, pools and other amenities excluded from the definition of land coverage shall not exceed forty percent (40%).
(d)   Dwelling Unit Floor Area. Floor area means the sum of the area of the several floors of a dwelling unit as measured from the interior faces of the perimeter walls of such dwelling unit. However, there shall be excluded from the floor area any portion of a floor having a ceiling height of not more than four feet six inches, any basement or attic not designed or finished or intended for normal living purposes, and any relatively open portion of the building exterior such as balconies, porches or terraces. The required minimum floor areas for each dwelling unit shall not be less than 1,800 square feet. The average floor area for all dwelling units shall not be less than 2,000 square feet.
(e)   Parking Requirements. Not less than two parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit within a planned residential development area. All such spaces shall be within a totally enclosed private garage attached to the dwelling unit, which shall consist of not less than 440 square feet, exclusive of necessary access drives or circulation aisles. In addition, one parking space for each two dwelling units shall be provided as guest or visiting parking. Such guest or visitor parking spaces may be open, enclosed or partially enclosed, and each space shall contain not less than 200 square feet, exclusive of access drives or circulation aisles.
(f)   Required Building Setbacks. All principal and accessory building structures in minimum distance set forth in the following schedule:
                                             Minimum Distance (feet)
From any street line abutting
Lake Shore Blvd.

From any other street line
From any property line adjoining a district zoned exclusively as a Standard One-family Residential District

From any property line adjoining an existing or potential planned residential development area

From a private drive serving 40 or more units

(g)   Building Height. The height of any building or structure containing a permitted principal use within a PRD area shall not exceed three stories or thirty-five feet in height. The height of any accessory building shall not exceed fifteen feet.
(h)   Open Space Requirements. One of the purposes of the PRD regulations is to permit design flexibility to preserve the Village’s natural features and significant open space areas. To achieve this objective:
(1)   All PRDs shall be designed and arranged so that all dwelling units and access drives are located to preserve: natural areas, streams, creeks, and natural drainage, wooded areas, large trees, and views to natural areas and the lake to the maximum extent possible; and
(2)   The preservation of both natural features and open space areas shall result in a consolidated land area, or series of areas, which in the aggregate, represent a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the project’s development area. Land fragments between buildings, between buildings and drives, between buildings and adjacent property lines, and otherwise unbuildable fragments shall not be considered as satisfying this minimum open space requirement.
(Ord. 3051. Passed 1-17-01.)