Development of permitted principal or accessory uses within a Neighborhood Commercial District (NC) shall conform to the following standards and requirements:
(a)    No front yard shall be required for buildings or structures containing permitted principal uses, however, any off-street parking areas developed or constructed between such building or structure and the front lot line shall be set back not less than five feet from the front lot line.
(b)    Side yards of not less than five feet shall be provided unless an existing building on the adjacent lot contains a wall which coincides with the common boundary of such lots in which case no side yard need be provided immediately adjacent to such wall if a building is erected on the lot which also contains a wall which concides with such common boundary to the extent that such wall abuts the wall of the building on the adjacent lot.
(c)    A rear yard of not less than ten feet in depth for building and structures, and not less than five feet for parking areas, shall be provided and shall include screening which shall be provided and maintained in such required yard by a substantially solid fence or wall erected to a height of not less than four feet.
(d)    If a lot is a corner lot and the adjoining property on the side street is in any residential district, a front yard shall be provided along the side street having a minimum depth at least equal to the front yard of the nearest residential structure.
(e)    Adequate off-street parking areas shall be constructed and maintained accessory to each permitted principal use developed in an NC District. Such off-street parking areas shall provide for one parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
(f)   Off-street parking areas and driveways shall be constructed and drained in a manner approved by the Village Engineer and shall be surfaced either with asphalt, concrete or other suitable material.
(g)    Parking spaces shall not be located in such a manner as to interfere with access to and egress from buildings and shall conform to all yard requirements set forth elsewhere in this section.
(h)    Off-street parking areas shall be maintained free from dust, paper and other loose particles, snow and ice. All signs, markers and any other methods used to indicate traffic movement and location of parking spaces shall be maintained in a neat and legible condition.
(i)    Each parking lot or area shall be provided with access driveways at least ten feet in width for each direction but with a maximum width of twenty-one feet for any access drive. Only one two-way access drive or pair of one-way drives shall be permitted for each 100 feet of public street frontage on the street on which such drive or drives are located, provided, however, that each lot is entitled to have one access drive regardless of lot frontage and provided further that, to reduce traffic hazards, the Village Planning Commission may require consolidation of the access drives of any two contiguous lots.
(Ord. 2242 Passed 7-13-81.)