A preliminary development plan and, upon approval, a final development plan shall be prepared for every proposal for a development permitted in this district in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1153. Such plan and any amendments thereof shall be in conformity with the following standards:
(a)    Sites shall be at least five acres in area, but the entire site need not be developed at the time. A site of less than five acres may be recommended by the Planning Commission for approval, as a variance, by the Board of Zoning Appeals, if it is of such area, shape or topography that it can be reasonably developed under the development plan as a separate parcel
(b)    Parking spaces shall be provided on the site to accommodate the motor vehicles of employees and visitors, with at least one car space for each two employees for which the buildings are designed. Parking areas abutting residential property shall be suitably screened with planting, and shall set back at least ten feet from the nearest lot line.
(Ord. 1600. Passed 7-26-62.)