Yards shall be provided for one-family dwellings, in accordance with the schedule in Section 1155.05 in order to attain adequate light, air, privacy and usable open space on each lot.
   (a)    Front Yards. The minimum front yard depth shall not be less than set forth in Section 1155.05. Corner lots shall comply with the front yard setback in Section 1155.05 for each street on which the lot has frontage.
   (b)    Front Yards on Built-up Blocks. Whenever there are existing dwellings that were lawfully constructed before this Code was passed, but which do not comply with the setback from the street right-of-way set forth in Section 1155.05, the required front setback for additions, alterations, and new construction shall be the average front setback of the existing, adjacent homes on either side of the home or vacant lot on which the front setback is to be determined.
   (c)    Side Yards. Side yard dimensions shall not be less than set forth in Section 1155.05. Accessory structures may be located in a required side yard in accordance with Section 1155.06.
   (d)    Rear Yards. Rear yard depth as measured from the main building wall shall not be less than set forth in Section 1155.05. Detached accessory buildings may be located in the required rear yards in accordance with Section 1155.06.
   (e)    Projections. Building projections that extend outside the enclosing walls as an integral, functional and necessary part of the main building, are encouraged to add form and interest to the exterior design. Such projections may encroach into the required yard in compliance with the following:
      (1)    Architectural features such as chimneys, bay windows and cornices may project from exterior walls not more than two and one-half (2 ½) feet into a required front or side yard.
      (2)    Entrance platforms and hoods, one-story unenclosed porches, shading devices and other open shelters, may project for a distance of ten (10) feet into a required front or side yard but shall not project within three (3) feet of a property line.
      (3)    Projections are not restricted in required rear yards, except as regulated in Section 1155.05(c).
      (4)    Otherwise, every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky and unobstructed.
         (Ord. 4115. Passed 2-15-23.)