Street trees, of species which have been determined by the Planning Commission to be adaptable to local conditions, resistant to damage and disease, and which cause the least interference with underground utilities and street lighting shall be used. At least one tree shall be required for each seventy-five feet on each side of the street, and if the tree lawn is at least six feet wide, the tree may be permitted in the tree lawn. Otherwise, it shall be planted outside the street right-of-way, at a distance not to exceed three feet. The minimum size of such street trees shall be at least one and one-half inches in diameter at six inches above ground level.
   Trees recommended for such locations are Red Maple, Norway Maple, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, White Oak, Thornless Honey Locust, London Plane tree, Amur Cork tree and Sweet Gum.
   Trees which have undesirable characteristics such as excessively-thick foiliage, low branches, unpleasant odors, susceptibility to disease or attach by insects or large root systems such as Poplar, Willow, Cottonwood, American Elm, nut and fruit trees, Ailanthus, Mountain Ash and Oregon Maple, are prohibited in the tree lawn and Poplar, Willow or Cottonwood trees if planted on private property in the Municipality shall be located not less than 100 feet from any public sewer.
(Ord. 1526. Passed 9-21-60.)