(a)   Widths and Types. The developer shall design, construct and furnish pavements and curbs of the sizes and types set forth in the following schedule and in such manner as provided for by the below referenced State of Ohio, Department of Transportation (ODOT) Construction and Material “Specifications” (current edition):

Standard One
Family Districts

PRD and O Districts
 Private Ways
Pavement width
21 Feet
Asphalt surface, intermediate and base in accordance with Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) Items 404, 402, 301 and as approved by the Village Engineer.
Local Street
Pavement width
25 Feet
32-36 Feet
7" reinforced concrete with integral mountable curbs (ODOT Item 451)
7" reinforced concrete with integral mountable curbs(ODOT Item 451)
Secondary Street
Pavement Width
32 Feet
36 Feet
7" reinforced concrete with integral mountable curbs (ODOT Item 451)
(Ord. 2960. Passed 12-16-98.)
   (b)   Pavements. The width of the pavement shall be measured between the outside edges of rolled curbs. The Planning Commission may require higher standards and/or greater widths than set forth above, because of extraordinary traffic loads or unusual soil conditions in specific locations.
   The preparation of subgrade, the materials and construction of pavement shall be in accord with the standards of the Construction and Material Specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).
   After the underground utilities and house connections are installed and rough grading complete, the roadway subgrade shall be shaped, rolled and compacted. The developer may construct the final pavements of reinforced concrete with integral curbs, or, the developer may request permission to construct a temporary pavement of slag or stone for use during the building construction period and furnish a bond, in the amount required, guaranteeing that all pavements shall be maintained in a passable and reasonable condition, without expense to the Municipality, until acceptance of final pavement for maintenance and use by the Municipality.
   (c)   Curbs and Gutters. Mountable concrete curbs and gutters integral with the pavement shall be provided. Curbs shall be not less than twelve inches wide and not more than four inches high and shall be formed with a smooth reverse curve.
   (d)   Driveways. Generally driveways shall be located along the lowest side of the lot, not less than three feet from side lot line or another driveway and not more than sixteen feet wide.
   The flare for driveways shall be at least three feet wider than the pavement on each side, the grade of the apron shall not exceed five percent for a distance of ten feet from the sidewalk and the maximum grade of the driveway shall not exceed fourteen percent.
(Ord. 2242. Passed 7-13-81.)
   (e)   Public Sidewalks. The design and materials for sidewalks shall be as approved by the Village with the preferred materials being brick, concrete or stone, in accordance with other standards for construction of the Municipality.
(Ord. 3071. Passed 7-18-01.)