(a)   All Village employees, both full and part time, are granted the right to participate in the Village’s Employee Wellness Program at no cost to said Employees. The Employee Wellness Program shall have the goals of disease prevention, healthy lifestyle maintenance and treatment of chronic ailments. The Employee Wellness Program may include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Health education and coaching.
      (2)   Weight management/healthy eating.
      (3)   Therapeutic services.
      (4)   Financial wellness counseling.
      (5)   Smoking cessation.
      (6)   Leadership development/team building.
      (7)   Eldercare support.
   (b)   The initial cost of the Employee Wellness Program shall not exceed $5,000 annually, unless otherwise determined by Council.
(Ord. 3865. Passed 3-16-16.)