(a)   When a full-time employee is injured in the line of duty, while actually working for the Village, he shall be eligible for paid injury leave not to exceed ninety calendar days which shall not be deducted from any other accumulated compensated absence time, provided such employee files for Workers Compensation and executes a waiver assigning to the Village those sums of money such employee would ordinarily receive as weekly compensation as determined by law for those number of weeks the employee receives benefits under this provision.
   (b)   Eligibility for injury leave must be approved by that employee’s department head and the Mayor within ten days of the processing of such employee’s Workers Compensation claim through the appropriate Village officer and such decision shall be reported by the Mayor to Council at Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting. Eligibility and approval for injury leave shall be based, in part, upon such employee’s Workers Compensation claim processed through the appropriate Village office, and, if necessary, also based upon a physical examination by a physician appointed by the Village resulting in the physician’s certification that the employee is unable to work due to the injury. The opinion of the designated physician shall govern whether the employee is actually disabled or not, but shall not govern whether the injury was duty related.
   (c)   If at the end of the ninety day period the employee is still disabled, the injury leave may, at the Mayor’s discretion, be extended for an additional ninety calendar day period, or any portion thereof. Such decision shall be made at least ten days prior to the end of such period and such decision shall be reported by the Mayor to Council at Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.
   (d)   During injury leave, sick leave shall not be earned and accumulated nor shall time- off for holidays occurring during leave be granted. Uniform allowances shall continue to remain in effect during the term of any injury leave.
(Ord. 2696. Passed 2-17-93.)