The following are permitted uses:
(A) Antenna service/cable television/radio;
(B) Antique store;
(C) Apparel and accessory store;
(D) Appliance store, sales, and service;
(E) Arcade/game store;
(F) Art supply store;
(G) Art gallery;
(H) Artist studio or school;
(I) Auto parts and accessory sales;
(J) Bait shop;
(K) Bakery retail;
(L) Bank, including drive-in bank;
(M) Barbershop;
(N) Bars and taverns;
(O) Beauty shop;
(P) Blueprinting and photostating;
(Q) Bicycle sales, repair, and rental;
(R) Bookstore;
(S) Bowling alleys;
(T) Business machines store;
(U) Café;
(V) Camera and photographic supply store;
(W) Candy, ice cream, and confectionery store, in which all manufacturing is permitted only as an accessory use and is limited to 15% of the gross floor area of the use;
(X) Catalog and mail order house;
(Y) Caterer;
(Z) Clinics, dental or medical, physical therapy, and chiropractic, but not animal clinics or hospitals;
(AA) Clothing store;
(BB) Computer consultant, sales, furniture, graphics, imaging, programs, service and repair training, and distribution of used and new computers;
(CC) Dance studio;
(DD) Delicatessen store;
(EE) Department store, discount store, outlet store;
(FF) Dressmaking, seamstress;
(GG) Drugstore;
(HH) Duplication services, copying, mailing, electronic imaging retail;
(II) Flea market/farmer’s market;
(JJ) Floral sales;
(KK) Food locker plant renting only individual lockers for home customer storage of food, delivery of individual home orders, the cutting, packaging, and retail sale of meats or game, including the slaughtering or eviscerating thereof;
(LL) Furniture store and home furnishings;
(MM) Garden supplies store. Need not be enclosed, provided all unenclosed portions of the use are located on the rear one-half of the zoning lot;
(NN) Gift, novelty, or souvenir store;
(OO) Grocery store;
(PP) Hardware store;
(QQ) Health equipment store;
(RR) Interior decorator;
(SS) Jewelry store;
(TT) Laundromat;
(UU) Licensed massage parlor;
(VV) Liquor store (off-sale);
(WW) Locksmith;
(XX) Luggage store;
(YY) Meat market and processing, including slaughtering;
(ZZ) Music store, accessories, and studio;
(AAA) Newsstand;
(BBB) Office of any type;
(CCC) Optician;
(DDD) Optical goods;
(EEE) Paint and wallpaper store;
(FFF) Photographic studio or picture processing;
(GGG) Plumbing, heating, air conditioning repair, sales, service, and cleaning;
(HHH) Public buildings, city hall, library, fire hall, ambulance;
(III) Radio and television broadcasting (excluding transmitter);
(JJJ) Restaurants;
(KKK) Savings and loan association, state or federally chartered, including drive-in facilities;
(LLL) Second hand shops;
(MMM) School (private);
(NNN) Shoe repair shop;
(OOO) Sporting goods store;
(PPP) Stationery store;
(QQQ) Tailor;
(RRR) Telephone exchange;
(SSS) Theater, not including drive-in theater;
(TTT) Theatrical studio;
(UUU) Ticket agency;
(VVV) Toy store;
(WWW) Travel bureau or agency;
(XXX) Variety store; and
(YYY) Video store.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000; Ord. 208, passed 11-5-2001)