   The owner or subdivider shall prepare and submit a preliminary plat containing the following information.
   (A)   Identification and description.
      (1)   Proposed name of subdivision, not similar to any existing subdivision;
      (2)   Date and north point;
      (3)   Scale of plat, not less than one inch to 200 feet;
      (4)   Indication of any proposed covenants;
      (5)   Location map indicating location of proposed subdivision in relation to the general known area;
      (6)   Names and addresses of the subdivider and surveyor making the plat, and property owners of record within 350 feet of the proposed subdivision;
      (7)   Legal description of proposed subdivision; and
      (8)   Title opinion or title insurance policy indicating fee ownership of land to be subdivided.
   (B)   Existing conditions and proposed design features.
      (1)   Boundary line of proposed subdivision;
      (2)   Zoning of land within, and abutting, the subdivision;
      (3)   Layout, dimensions, and acreage of proposed lots and blocks;
      (4)   Name, location, and right-of-way width of existing or proposed streets, highways, alleys, sidewalks, and pedestrian ways;
      (5)   High water mark of all lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands;
      (6)   Location, dimensions, and purpose of existing and proposed utilities and utility easements;
      (7)   Location and dimensions of existing and proposed public sewer and water systems;
      (8)   Existing and proposed storm water drainage system, including drainage easements;
      (9)   Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land within 350 feet, identifying by name and ownership;
      (10)   Proposed zoning changes, if necessary;
      (11)   Minimum front, side, and rear yard setbacks, as required by Chapter 154; and
      (12)   Location, dimensions, and size of areas, other than streets, alleys, pedestrian ways, and utility easements, proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public uses.
   (C)   Supplementary information. The following information may be required if it is deemed necessary and appropriate by the Zoning Administrator:
      (1)   Existing topography, including contour lines at two-foot intervals. Watercourses, wetlands, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and lines, and other significant features shall also be known;
      (2)   Soil survey, grading plan, soil erosion, and sod intent control plan, and landscaping plan;
      (3)   Statement of proposed use of development, including type and number of structures and units;
      (4)   Statement of adequacy of existing or proposed utilities to accommodate or serve the proposed development;
      (5)   Statement relative to the relationship of the proposed subdivision with existing or potential adjacent subdivisions;
      (6)   Statement of estimate costs of proposed required improvements;
      (7)   Other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, or subdivider; and
      (8)   Soil borings and percolation tests.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
§ 153.032 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   The final plat consisting of two mylar or linen reproducible tracings and six copies shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator and submitted to the Planning Commission within 15 days of the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission shall review the final plat to assure consistency with the approved preliminary plat. The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation for approval or disapproval with conditions, and reasons thereof, to the City Council. In case the plat is disapproved, the subdivider shall be notified, in writing, of the reason for the disapproval, and what requirements are necessary to meet the approval of the Commission.
   (B)   Payment of cash contribution pursuant to § 152.28 shall be made at this time.
   (C)   The final plat, together with the recommendations of the Planning Commission, shall be submitted to the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If accepted, the final plat shall be approved by resolution, including acceptance of all agreements for basic improvements, public dedication, and other requirements as indicated by the City Council. If denied, the reasons for the refusal shall be set forth in the proceedings of the Council, and reported to the subdivider.
   (D)   It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to file the plat with the appropriate county offices after final approval, pursuant to this section and M.S. § 508.08, as it may be amended from time to time. Failure to do so within two years of final approval shall result in the requiring of a new preliminary plat. This new preliminary plat must be reviewed in accordance with the procedure set out in this subchapter to ensure compliance with any new requirements.
   (E)   A copy of all final plats located in total, or in part, within a public water shall be submitted to the Commissioner of the State Department of Natural Resources within ten days of final plat approval.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
   The final plat shall be prepared in accordance with provisions of state statutes and shall include, as a minimum, the following information:
   (A)   Name of subdivision;
   (B)   Scale, north arrow, and date of plat;
   (C)   All plats shall be of either two standard sizes, measuring 20 by 30 inches, or 30 by 40 inches, from outer edge to outer edge. A border line shall be placed one-half inch inside the outer edges of the plat on the top, bottom, and right-hand side of the plat, and two inches inside the outer edge of the left-hand side of the plat;
   (D)   Durable iron monuments shall be set at all angle and curve points on the outside boundary lines of the plat, at all block corners, and at all intermediate points on the block lines indicating changes of direction in the lines. The outside boundary lines of the plat shall be correctly designated showing bearings on all straight lines, angles at all angle points, and central angle and radii length for all curves. All distances shall be shown between monuments as measured to the nearest hundredths of a foot. If a curved line constitutes the line of more than one lot in any block, the central angle for that part of each lot on the curved line shall be shown. The outside boundary lines shall close by latitude and departure with an error not to exceed one foot in 7,500 feet;
   (E)   In any instance where a river, stream, creek, lake, or pond constitutes a boundary line within, or of, the plat, a survey line shall be shown with bearings or angles, and distances between all angle points and their relationship to a water line, and all distances measured on the survey line between lot lines shall be shown. The survey line shall be shown as a dashed line;
   (F)   Location, dimensions, and name or number of all existing or proposed lots, blocks, streets, highways, alleys, parks, and public lands;
   (G)   All rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, ponds, swamps, and wetlands shall be correctly located and designated;
   (H)   Name and boundary lines, or any adjoining platted lands;
   (I)   Location and width of all easements to be dedicated;
   (J)   Name and address of developer and surveyor making the plat;
   (K)   A written instrument of dedication signed and acknowledged by the owner of the land, including a full and accurate description of the land platted and set forth, what part of the land is dedicated and also to whom, and for what purpose these parts are dedicated;
   (L)   A written surveyor’s certificate certifying that the plat is a correct representation of the survey, that all distances are correctly shown on the plat, that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown, and that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat. If there are no wetlands, streets, or highways to be designated, he or she shall so state. The certificate shall be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer an oath; and
   (M)   A supplement to the title opinion or title insurance policy previously provided shall be furnished with the final plat to indicate fee ownership of the land to be subdivided and showing any liens or encumbrances.
(Ord. 119, passed 2-7-2000)