1.   Intended purpose. It is the purpose of this district to provide retail and service facilities which serve primarily and daily needs of the immediate surrounding neighborhood and to encourage attractive, compact retail commercial development in locations close to the residences served.
   2.   Permitted uses and structures.
      A.   Principal uses.
         (1)   Any principal use permitted and regulated in the R-8 Residential Districts (see § 27-205.2.A); the reference to principal use here does not include R-8 Residential uses by special exception in § 27-205.2.C).
         (2)   Retail sales in a fully enclosed building.
            (a)   Food market;
            (b)   Drug store;
            (c)   Bakery;
            (d)   Clothing;
            (e)   Shoe store;
            (f)   Restaurant, but not to include the “drive-in” type;
            (g)   Jewelry;
            (h)   Gift shop, florist shop;
            (i)   Book store, stationery store;
            (j)   Radio, T.V. and music store;
            (k)   Variety store;
            (l)   Dry goods and notions store; and
            (m)   Hardware store, sporting goods.
         (3)   Personal service shops which deal directly with consumers, offices and establishments, provided each such use occupies a total floor area of not more than 4,000 square feet:
            (a)   Barber and beauty shop;
            (b)   Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up shops;
            (c)   Tailors and dressmaker shops;
            (d)   Self-service laundry;
            (e)   Real estate and similar professional office;
            (f)   Finance and loan agencies; and
            (g)   Medical and dental offices.
         (4)   Other uses which are similar to the above and subject to the following regulations:
            (a)   All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced, and
            (b)   All businesses, servicing or processing except for off-street parking and loading, shall be conducted completely within enclosed buildings.
      B.   Accessory uses.
         (1)   As permitted and regulated in an R-2 Residence District;
         (2)   Signs as permitted and regulated in § 27-701.3; and
         (3)   Other customary uses incidental to any of the above permitted uses; providing, however, that such uses shall not detract from the general intended purpose of the district.
      C.   Uses by special exception.
         (1)   Banks, including branch service with “drive-in” facilities, providing that at least five reservoir spaces are provided on the lot for each drive-in teller’s window, such reservoir space shall be exclusive of required parking spaces as regulated in Part 6 of this Chapter.
   3.   Required lot size for dwellings and buildings of mixed occupancy.
      A.   Lot area. Seven thousand square feet per dwelling unit.
      B.   Lot width. Sixty feet.
   4.   Required open space.
      A.   Front yard. Twenty feet.
      B.   Side yard. None required for individual permitted uses, except that side yards of not less than 25 feet shall be required when abutting any residential districts specified in this Chapter.
      C.   Rear yard. Twenty feet.
   5.   Maximum height of buildings. No principal structure shall exceed two stories or 30 feet, and no accessory structure shall exceed one story or 15 feet in height, except as provided in § 27-702.
   6.   Minimum off-street parking, loading and unloading requirements.
      A.   Off-street parking shall be provided for in accordance with Part 6 of this Chapter; and
      B.   Each business use shall provide off-street loading and unloading space at the side or rear of the building for each 4,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof in each building. Such space or spaces shall not be less than 400 square feet in area, with a dimension of ten by 40 feet per space, which shall be located exclusive of any public right-of-way.
   7.   Limitations on signs. Only those signs referring or relating to the uses conducted on the premises or to the materials or products made, sold or displayed on the premises shall be permitted, and further provided, that all signs shall be maintained in accordance with § 27-701.3.
   8.   General requirements. Where CN Districts abut any residential district, a landscaped strip of not less than ten feet in width shall be planted and maintained with appropriate vegetative landscaping materials. Such vegetative planting, including any architectural screens or fences, shall not exceed five feet in height, except on corner lots where a clear sight area defined in § 27-703.7 shall be maintained.
(Ord. 1983-2B, passed 4-30-1984; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989)