1.   Intended purpose. It is the purpose of this district to accommodate medium density development and is composed of areas of the township where such development are now located. The regulations for these districts are intended to protect and stabilize the prevailing characteristics and promote a safe and healthful environment for the family life.
   2.   Permitted uses and structures.
      A.   Principal uses.
         (1)   Any use permitted and regulated in the R-4 District; and
         (2)   Two-family dwellings.
      B.   Accessory uses. As permitted and regulated in the R-2 District.
      C.   Uses by special exception. As permitted and regulated in the R-4 District.
   3.   Required lot size.
      A.   Lot area. Ten thousand square feet.
      B.   Lot width. Seventy feet at the front setback lines.
   4.   Required open space.
      A.   Front yard. Forty feet.
      B.   Side yards. Two required.
         (1)   Dwellings. The combined width of the side yards shall be 25% of the lot width, but need not exceed 25 feet, with a minimum side yard of five feet.
         (2)   Other principal buildings. Each side yard shall equal 15 feet or a distance equal to one-half the height of the principal building, whichever is greater.
      C.   Rear yard. Equal to 25% of the lot depth, but shall not be less than 20 feet or a distance equal to the height of the principal building, whichever is greater.
      D.   Open space between principal buildings on a single lot. No vertical wall of a principal building shall be nearer to a vertical wall of any other principal building than 30 feet or a distance equal to the average height of such vertical walls measured from adjoining finished grade, whichever is greater.
   5.   Maximum height of buildings.
      A.   Single-family or two-family dwelling. Thirty feet.
      B.   Other principal buildings. As regulated by side yard requirements.
      C.   Accessory buildings. One story, not to exceed 15 feet.
   6.   Off-street parking reference. For applicable off-street parking regulations. (See Part 6 of this Chapter.)
   7.   Supplemental regulations reference. For applicable supplemental regulations pertaining to use, height, area or open space. (See Part 7 of this Chapter.)
(Ord. 1983-2B, passed 4-30-1984; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989; Ord. 1991-6, passed 4-29-1991)