1. The township hereby appoints Berkheimer as its exclusive collector of its Local Serves Tax for the initial term commencing January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2016, and any subsequent renewal terms thereafter, said initial and renewal periods to include all quarterly and annual collections pertinent to the tax years therein. This appointment resolution shall be deemed to encompass any renewal terms agreed upon by the parties without further reenactment of this resolu tion or re- appointment.
2. Further, Berkheimer is authorized to retain any costs of collection incurred in recovering delinquent taxes and assessed to the delinquent taxpayer as allowed by law.
3. Further the township approves and adopts the agreement negotiated with Berkheimer for the collection of the above selected taxes.
4. And further, the township adopts and incorporates the applicable tax rules and regulations as promulgated by Berkheimer in their entirety. A copy of said tax rules and regulations are attached to the resolution codified herein as Exhibit A.
(Res. 2013-36, passed 12-16-2013)