1. The owner of any land upon which permanent BMPs will be placed, constructed or implemented, as described in the SWM site plan, shall provide the township the following documents for official filing by the township:
A. The SWM site plan;
B. Operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement (Appendix 23-A); and
C. Signed and executed easements, as required for all on-site and off-site work.
2. The township may elect to require the developer to record the above documents in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the county within 90 days of approval of the SWM site plan by the township.
3. The township may suspend or revoke any approvals granted for the project site upon discovery of the failure of the owner to comply with this Chapter.
(Ord. 2011-04-11, passed 4-11-2011)