1.   PADEP or its designees normally ensures compliance with any permits issued, including those for stormwater management. In addition to PADEP compliance programs, the township or their municipal assignee may inspect all phases of the installation of temporary or permanent stormwater management facilities.
   2.   During any stage of earth disturbance activities, if the township determines that the stormwater management facilities are not being installed in accordance with the approved SWM site plan, the township shall revoke any existing permits or approvals until a revised SWM site plan is submitted and approved as specified in this Chapter.
   3.   Stormwater BMPs shall be inspected by the landowner, or the landowner’s designee according to the inspection schedule described on the SWM site plan for each BMP.
      A.   The township may require copies of the inspection reports, in a form as stipulated by the township.
      B.   If such inspections are not conducted or inspection reports not submitted as scheduled, the township, or their designee, may conduct such inspections and charge the owner appropriate fees. Non-payment of fees may result in a lien against the property.
      C.   Prior to conducting such inspections, the township shall inform the owner of its intent to conduct such inspections. The owner shall be given 30 days to conduct required inspections and submit the required inspection reports to the township.
(Ord. 2011-04-11, passed 4-11-2011)