1. Utilities. In every park consisting of five or more lots:
A. All utilities shall be located underground and extended through all the lots so that they will be within the confined area of the mobile home stand at a point where all utility connections will approximate a vertical position for hookup, thereby ensuring the shortest connection possible and decreasing susceptibility to freezing and exposure to weather and other elements;
B. All utilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance to specifications as required by the local utility companies and the Department of Environmental Resources Protection, whoever regulates such systems; and
C. Water supply regulations are the same as stated in § 22-603.
2. Lighting. Streets and walkways designed for the general use of the mobile home park residents shall be lighted during the hours of darkness. Such lighting shall not be under the control of the mobile home occupant. Outdoor lighting placed on lots for individual lot illumination may be under the control of the occupant.
3. Service buildings and other community service facilities. All mobile home parks which, upon the owner’s discretion, will provide service buildings or facilities, such as laundry facilities, repair shops, storage areas, indoor recreation areas, and the like, shall be constructed in accordance to the regulations and specifications of the Department of Environmental Resources Protection.
(Ord. 1983-3, passed 12-12-1983) (A.O.)