1. Skirting and screening.
A. A planted visual barrier, or landscaped screen, shall be provided and maintained by the owner or lessee of a property between any district and contiguous residentially zoned districts, except where natural or physical human-made barriers exist. This screen shall be developed in a manner approved by the Zoning Officer. All plants not surviving one year after planting must be replaced.
B. All visual barriers or landscape screens shall be in accordance with the following minimum widths. Such areas shall not be counted as part of the required open spaces or yard areas.
(1) In all Commercial Districts: ten feet.
(2) In Industrial Districts: 20 feet.
C. Any existing business affected by these regulations at the time of passage of this Chapter shall not be required to comply with the above screening requirements, except in case of enlargement or major alteration of such business. Similarly, for any zoning district boundary change after the passage of this Chapter initiated by a residential developer abutting a commercial or industrial zoned district property for which these regulations apply, these screening requirements shall not be imposed upon such commercial or industrial property.
2. Landscaping.
A. The ground surface in all parts of every park shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner.
B. Surface water collectors and other bodies of standing water capable of breeding mosquitoes and other insects shall be eliminated or controlled in a manner approved by the Department of Environmental Resources Protection.
C. In mobile home parks where surface drainage slopes towards rear lots, there shall be a drainage easement of ten feet.
D. Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every park shall be paved, or covered with stone screenings, or other solid material or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and the emanation of dust during dry weather.
E. Trees, shrubs and/or other decorative vegetation shall be planted at strategic locations in order to provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the park and the lots within.
(Ord. 1983-3, passed 12-12-1983; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989) (A.O.)