1.   Site location. The location of all mobile home parks shall comply with the following minimum requirements. The site shall:
      A.   Be free from adverse influence by swamps, marshes, garbage or rubbish disposal areas, or other potential breeding places for insects or rodents;
      B.   Not be subject to flooding (per Flood Hazard Map issued by FLA of FEMA); and
      C.   Not be subject to any hazard or nuisance, such as excessive noise, vibration, smoke, toxic matter, radiation, heat, odor or glare.
   2.   Land requirements and lot size.
      A.   If a mobile home park is served by both individual wells and on-lot sewage facilities (which shall meet DEP requirements), then the lot area and minimum dimensions shall be the same as required for residential lots as set forth in § 22-503.4.
      B.   If a mobile home park is served by either individual well or individual on-lot sewage facilities (which shall meet DEP requirements), then the lot area and minimum dimensions shall be the same as required in § 22-503.4.
      C.   On land laid out as a mobile home park, served by both public or central water and public or central sanitary sewers, the following requirements shall apply.
         (1)   Mobile home lots within the park shall have a minimum area of 5,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 50 feet. However, the total number of lots in a park shall not exceed an average density of six per acre.
         (2)   Each mobile home lot shall be improved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement of the mobile home and to ensure that the mobile home remain level and stable and free from structural damage.
         (3)   Each mobile home lot shall be provided with anchoring systems to resist overturning or lateral movement of mobile homes from wind forces. Specifications for construction of anchoring systems are in accordance with the Standards for the Installation of Mobile Homes including Mobile Home Park Requirements NFPA No. 501A-1974 (ANSI A119.3-1975), as sponsored by Manufactured Housing Institute, National Fire Protection Association, and Trailer Coach Association.
         (4)   It is recommended, but not required, that mobile home lots be designed with a skew of approximately 20 to 30 degrees away from a line perpendicular to the street.
   3.   Required setbacks and minimum distances.
      A.   All mobile homes shall be located at least 25 feet from any park property boundary line abutting upon a public street or highway and at least 25 feet from other park property boundary lines.
      B.   A mobile home, including its accessory building shall be a minimum distance of 20 feet from the pavement of an adjoining park street, common parking area, or other common areas and structures.
      C.   Mobile homes shall be separated from each other and from other buildings and structures at least 15 feet on all sides. A mobile home accessory building shall not be closer than three feet from a mobile home it services, or closer than 15 feet from a mobile home on an adjacent lot.
(Ord. 1983-3, passed 12-12-1983; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989)  (A.O.)