1.   Whenever a minor subdivision or any land development is desired to be effected and has been so classified by the Township Planning Commission, the following regulations and requirements shall apply.
      A.   The subdivider shall furnish five subdivision or land development plans of the proposed layout prepared by a registered professional land surveyor on a reproductible media, or clear copy from such media, with sheets of such size as allowed by the County Recorder of Deeds Office for recording with a margin of one inch on each side and a reasonable scale. It is recommended, but not required, that the scale be between one inch equals 50 feet and one inch equals 100 feet.
      B.   The subdivision plan shall contain the following information:
         (1)   Name and address of record owner, the subdivider and name of the municipality where the property is located;
         (2)   The boundary lines of the lot, tract or parcel to be subdivided, with bearings and distances in feet or meters;
         (3)   Names of current adjoining property owners;
         (4)   Street lines, lot lines, rights-of-way and easements;
         (5)   North point, scale and date;
         (6)   Draft of protective covenants, if any;
         (7)   Name and seal of a registered professional land surveyor responsible for maps;
         (8)   Benchmarks referenced by a monument established by the United States Geological Survey or the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, or permanent monuments as established by a registered surveyor or engineer; and
         (9)   Reference to the nearest borough or city, major highway or recognizable geographic object.
   2.   Wherever the minor subdivision or land development purposes to establish lots for building purposes, and the general slope of the site is greater than 5%, contours at vertical intervals of five feet must be shown on the plot.
   3.   Whenever the minor subdivision or land development proposes to establish lots for residential building purposes and any lot is not served by public sewer, a soils analysis and percolation test shall be performed. The plat shall not be approved by the Township Planning Commission until the local municipal officials and DEP Office have approved the lot(s) for sewage disposal.
   4.   If water is to be provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or land development, applicants shall present evidence to the Planning Commission that the subdivision or land development is to be supplied by a certified public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners, or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable evidence.
   5.   No plat which will require access to a highway under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation shall be finally approved unless the plat contains a notice that a highway occupancy permit is required pursuant to the Pennsylvania Highway Law (36 P.S. § 670-420), before driveway access to a state highway is permitted. Furthermore, the same requirement shall apply to any township road and the township shall not be held liable for damages to persons or property arising out of the issuance or denial of a driveway permit by the Department of Transportation, or the township.
   6.   The land development plan shall contain the following information:
      A.   All the required data as stated above in divisions 1. through 5. above;
      B.   Deed book and page number of tract or tracts being developed;
      C.   All existing buildings, sanitary sewers, water lines, natural gas lines, petroleum or petroleum products lines, abandoned or in use oil and gas wells, electric and telephone lines, and other significant human-made features on or adjacent to the tract, and approximate location of proposed buildings, sanitary sewers, water lines, natural gas lines, petroleum products lines, electric and telephone lines and other significant human-made features;
      D.   Approximate location of existing watercourses, swamps, wetlands and other significant natural features;
      E.   Proposed buildings, streets and lot lines (with bearings and distances in feet);
      F.   Public buildings, playgrounds, and parcels of land that are to be dedicated or reserved for public use, location or open space, if any;
      G.   Site data to include proposed use or uses, number of lots, total acreage of lots being subdivided, number of acres in total tract, number and type of dwelling units, present zoning classification, including minimum lot area required;
      H.   Accurate location of all soil test pits for on-lot sewage disposal;
      I.   Topographic map showing relationship of proposed land development to surrounding area and terrain; and
      J.   Location map showing the proposed land development and adjoining areas sufficient to determine the location in the municipality.
(Ord. 1983-3, passed 12-12-1983; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989; Ord. 1991-5, passed 4-29-1991)