§ 13-212  REGULATIONS.
   1.   Every person licensed under this Part shall constantly maintain the licensed premises in accordance with any special provisions imposed by the Board and in the manner prescribed by this Section and any subsequent regulations adopted by the Board.
      A.   Such premises shall at all times be maintained so as not to constitute a nuisance or a menace to the health of the community or of residents nearby or a place for the breeding of rodents and vermin.
      B.   No garbage or other organic waste shall be stored in such premises.
      C.   Whenever any motor vehicle shall be received in such premises as junk, all gasoline and oil shall be drained and removed therefrom. Gasoline in any amount, not exceeding ten gallons, may be stored aboveground in said junkyards provided the same be placed in containers approved by the Board. All other gasoline which is kept on the premises shall be stored underground, which underground storage must be approved by the Board.
      D.   The manner of storage and arrangement of junk, and the drainage of the premises shall be such as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water upon the premises, and to facilitate access for firefighting purposes.
      E.   All junk kept, stored or arranged on the licensed premises shall at all times be kept, stored and arranged within the junkyard as described in the application for license hereunder, and as limited under division D. above.
      F.   A person licensed under this Part shall not burn more than one motor vehicle or its equivalent at any one time. No oil, grease, tires, gasoline or other similar material which might be dangerous or tend to produce obnoxious smoke or odors shall be burned within a junkyard at any time. Burning of vehicles must be attended and controlled at all times.
      G.   The premises to be licensed shall be set back a minimum distance of 50 feet from the right-of-way lines on all streets or roads and a minimum distance of 25 feet from all other property lines. The area between the setback line and the right-of-way line and all streets and roads and all other property lines shall at all times be kept clear and vacant.
      H.   When the Board shall deem it necessary and desirable, the premises to be licensed shall at the setback lines, be enclosed by a fence of type and style to be determined by the Board or by evergreen screen plantings, or both. The Board may set forth the fence and planting requirement at the time of the issuance of a license or at the time of renewal or transfer of a license.
(Ord. 1977-4A, passed 5-9-1977)  Penalty, see § 13-213