No dwelling unit shall be rented by any landlord without first obtaining a permit authorizing that rental, pursuant to this Part and the following Section. Each dwelling unit shall be subject to an initial inspection after the effective date of this Part, whether vacant or occupied.
A. Landlords will complete an application for a certificate of compliance on forms to be provided by the Code Enforcement Officer and submit the form to the Code Enforcement Officer, along with an application fee, which will be established from time to time by resolution.
B. The Code Enforcement Officer will issue the certificate of compliance after inspection of dwelling unit is obtained of the landlord or tenants, and the dwelling unit’s compliance with:
(1) Applicable standard codes, including fire, electrical, plumbing, maintenance and other health and safety-related ordinances of the township, which codes and ordinances the Code Enforcement Officer will make available to any citizen to review at a reasonable time and place; and
(2) Ordinances requiring payment of garbage, sewage, water and other township liens or charges.
C. The Board of Township Supervisors shall determine a schedule of fees for an inspection, which shall be set forth in the Part 5 of Chapter 1.
(Ord. 1998-7-2, passed 7-30-1998; Ord. 10-12-1998B, passed - -) (A.O.)