1137.20  LOT SURVEYS.
   (a)   A lot survey shall be required in the following circumstances:
Prior to any new construction on any lot in the Village.  This requirement applies whether the lot is in a new subdivision or in a section that has already been developed.  The survey shall be completed by a registered surveyor of the State of Ohio and a copy of the survey shall be presented to the Zoning Board and to the person responsible for issuing building permits for the Village.  No building permits shall be issued without an appropriate lot survey.
   (b)   A lot survey shall not be required in the following circumstances:
      (1)   If the perimeter of an existing structure will not be increased in size; or
      (2)   If the lot owner can locate all survey pins or markers for the property line adjacent to the site of the structure where the change is proposed, and the owner can provide a legal description of the lot.
   (c)   The Enforcing Officer may require a survey to be made if the boundaries of the lot are irregular or if they are not characteristic to other lots in that area.
      (Ord. 0-94-12.  Passed 7-14-94.)