The owner, or person having control of each residence, house, apartment, business, or other appropriate building, shall within thirty days after receiving notice from the Chief of Police that the said residence, house, apartment, business or other appropriate building does not show a proper street address number and/or letter, shall affix the proper numbers and/or letters to the front of the building in a conspicuous place visible from the street.  The figures for the numbers and/or letters shall be not less than three inches in height and shall be made of metal, porcelain, plastic, wood, or other durable material.  The identifying numbers and/or letters shall be maintained upon the building at all times, and no other numbers and/or letters other than the proper numbers and/or letters assigned by the United States Post Office shall be placed or permitted to remain upon the building.  Script lettering or words indicating the proper number be allowed so long as they comply with the other requirements as stated above.
(Ord. 89-9.  Passed 1-11-90.)