(A)   The Commission may assist with historic preservation efforts through building inventories, public education, tourism and establishing community partnerships.
   (B)   The Commission may recommend designation of a listed property and historic districts (which includes a Historic Overlay Zone designation) for approval by City Council.
   (C)   The Commission shall work with city staff and all other interested parties to facilitate public discussion about any proposed plans that may lead to changes to any listed property.
   (D)   The Commission shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, a continuing survey of all buildings, districts, landmarks, objects, sites, or structures which are of architectural, historic, cultural, environmental, and aesthetic interest in the city and which the Commission believes, on the basis of information available or presented to it, are, or will be, eligible for designation as a listed property or fall within a historic district.
   (E)   The Commission shall maintain the Local Register.
      (1)   The Local Register must include all listed property which must be uniquely identified with a description, a photograph, a verbal boundary description, and the reason(s) for listing.
      (2)   The Local Register must include each historic district which must be uniquely identified with a description and representative photographs, including streetscapes, a map outlining the boundaries, a verbal boundary description, and the reason(s) for listing.
      (3)   The Local Register must include all non-contributing properties which must be so noted.
      (4)   The Commission shall maintain the Local Register in a location where it is readily available for inspection by the public, City Council, the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Planning Department of the city.
      (5)   The Local Register must be compatible with the State Historic Preservation Office digital database.
      (6)   The Commission shall update the Local Register annually no later than December 31 to reflect changes, alterations, and demolitions to any property required to be listed therein.
      (7)   The Commission shall ensure that the Local Register is available through duplicates or digital images to the State Historic Preservation Office and otherwise maintained securely.
   (F)   The Commission shall adopt and use The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (the “Standards”) in reviewing and acting upon all applications for a certificate of appropriateness for a proposed alteration or demolition within a Historic Overlay Zone.
   (G)   The Commission shall determine the appropriateness of any and all COA applications regarding the alteration or demolition of any listed property.
   (H)   The Commission may from time to time, as necessary, propose to City Council for its approval additional standards or requirements beyond those in the Standards. Should these be approved by a majority of City Council, the Commission shall make such standards, requirements, and/or regulations widely and easily available to the citizens of the city.
   (I)   The Commission shall work toward the continuing education of residents of the city with respect to the architectural and historic heritage of the city and its listed properties and historic districts.
   (J)   The Commission shall make every effort to improve the public's overall environment and design awareness.
   (K)   The Commission shall seek local partners in historic preservation to generate ideas and implement goals.
   (L)   The Commission may recommend to City Council legislation that would serve to beautify, preserve, restore, and develop the city, or that would result in additions or revisions to this Code.
   (M)   The Commission may sponsor or co-sponsor historic preservation educational events.
   (N)   The Commission shall encourage its members to attend educational sessions pertaining to the functions of the Commission at least once per year.
   (O)   The Commission may employ technical experts as may be required to perform its duties subject to the appropriations made available therefore and to perform such other related tasks within its capabilities as may be required by City Council.
   (P)   The Commission shall undertake additional responsibilities by agreement with the State Historic Preservation Office.
   (Q)   The Commission shall act as a liaison on behalf of the city government to individuals and organizations regarding the preservation and protection of properties of historic significance.
   (R)   The Commission shall act in an advisory role to city officials and departments regarding the protection of properties of historic significance.
   (S)   The Commission shall review proposed National Register nominations for properties within the city in accordance with Ohio's Certified Local Government guidelines and shall make recommendations to City Council as to their appropriateness.
(Ord. 8878, passed 3-15-2021)