The following guidelines are hereby established.
   (A)   When four-lane thoroughfares are initially constructed, overlaid with a new course of asphalt, or reconstructed, the outside lanes may be striped wider than the inside lanes if minimum lane width standards will not be compromised and if the following criteria are met:
      (1)   The segment of street being constructed, overlaid, or reconstructed must have a continuous length of at least one-half mile, or connect to an existing wide outside lane;
      (2)   The city must determine that the street segment does not contain any unique geometric or unusual circumstances that would cause the uneven lane widths to present a hazard to the public safety, health, and/or welfare; and
      (3)   If the thoroughfare is a state and/or federal highway or project, the appropriate state and/or federal agency must approve the modified striping plan.
   (B)   The city will make every reasonable effort to either install and maintain traffic signal detectors that are sensitive to the presence of bicycles or provide for other means of actuation of traffic signals for bicyclists.
   (C)   When designing or reviewing plans for new streets or when developing plans for the reconstruction of existing streets, the city and all utility companies will specify that utility covers, storm water inlets containing street grates, and other surface irregularities be designed to be safe for the passage of bicycles.
   (D)   When traffic volume, street design, and current or projected bicycle usage suggest that a street is especially appropriate for bicycle traffic, the city will consider identifying the street with “Bicycle Route” signs.
   (E)   Wherever it has street maintenance responsibility, the city will make every effort to promptly remove debris from street edges and intersections, and to maintain as smooth as practical transitions between street surfaces and concrete gutter sections, and between street surfaces and any street grates.
(Ord. 8349, passed 9-2-2014)