(A)   [Reserved]
   (B)   All full-time, permanent, non-bargaining employees covered by the provisions of this section of the Administrative Code shall be granted an annual lump sum payment. The lump sum payment will be paid on the first payday in December. The amount of the lump sum payment is based on the completion of a specified number of continuous years of full-time service with the city. The breakdown of the number of years of completed continuous full-time service and its corresponding lump sum payment is as follows:
Continuous Full-time Years of Service with the City
Lump Sum Payment
After completing 5 years
After completing 10 years
After completing 15 years
After completing 20 years
After completing 25 years
   (C)   [Reserved]
   (D)   [Reserved]
   (E)   Payment for the last year of service will be on a pro-rata basis, and will be paid at the time of separation.
   (F)   Furthermore, the calculation of continuous service shall not include leaves of absence without pay or any other periods of time that an eligible employee does not receive pay. Therefore, payment of longevity or lump sum pay for years of service shall be on a pro-rata basis based on the actual hours an employee received compensation, and the payment will be paid on the first regular payday in December.
(1980 Code, § 33.24) (Ord. 3364, passed 10-6-1975; Am. Ord. 4310, passed 5-23-1983; Am. Ord. 6736, passed 4-2-2001; Am. Ord. 7078, passed 3-3-2003; Am. Ord. 7203, passed 2-17-2004; Am. Ord. 9182, passed 5-6-2024; Am. Ord. 9211, passed 8-5-2024)