135.01 Negligent homicide
135.02 Vehicular homicide; vehicular manslaughter; vehicular assault
135.03 Assault
135.04 Negligent assault
135.05 Aggravated menacing
135.06 Menacing
135.061 Menacing by stalking
135.07 Unlawful restraint
135.08 (Reserved)
135.09 Coercion
135.10 Bigamy
135.11 (Reserved)
135.12 Misrepresentation relating to provision of child care
135.13 Nonsupport of dependents
135.14 Endangering children
135.15 Interference with custody
135.151 Interference with support orders
135.16 Domestic violence
135.17 Hazing
135.18 Contributing to unruliness or delinquency of a child
135.19 Unlawful collection of bodily substances