2-2.15   Order of Business.
   The following order of business shall apply for regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners:
      1.   Call to order; invocation; pledge of allegiance
      2.   Roll call
      3.   Awards and recognitions
      4.   Public hearings (if applicable)
      5.   City Manager comments
      6.   Approval of minutes
      7.   Reading and consideration of ordinances, municipal orders and resolutions in the order as determined by the City Manager
      8.   Public comments (Open public forum)
      9.   Comments by Board of Commissioners
      10.   Closed session (if applicable)
      11.   Adjournment
(Ord. BG2001-12, 3/6/2001; Ord. BG2006-36, 11/8/2006; Ord. BG2009-14, 6/2/2009; Ord. BG2017-8, 4/4/2017)