(A)   It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and a danger to the health, safety, welfare, peace and comfort of the village and its residents for any person:
      (1)   To conduct any business or to use any premises so as to create an offensive or foul odor which taints the air and renders it nauseous to persons in the vicinity;
      (2)   To cause or permit to be collected or to remain upon any premises or place any animal carcass, or any offal, filth, excretion or other noisome or noxious animal matter of any kind which is, or is likely to become, putrid, foul or offensive;
      (3)   To cause or permit to be collected or to remain upon any premises or place any slop or other vegetable matter of any kind which is, or is likely to become, putrid, foul or offensive;
      (4)   To cause or to permit any cellar, vault, cistern, drain, privy, yard or other premises whatsoever to become, from any cause, foul or offensive or injurious to the public health;
      (5)   To permit to be collected or to stand upon any premises any foul or stagnant water of any kind;
      (6)   To locate or maintain, or permit to exist or remain, anywhere within the village any stable or pigsty;
      (7)   To use, deposit or keep any property, substance or thing emitting or causing any foul, offensive, noisome, nauseous or noxious odor, effluvia or stench particularly repulsive to the physical senses and which annoys, discomforts or endangers the welfare, health or safety of any person;
      (8)   To allow the deposit or accumulation of any refuse, oil rags, rubbish or other materials or substances of any kind, so as to constitute a fire hazard;
      (9)   To allow the deposit, accumulation, existence or growth upon any property of any dry or dead weeds, grass, vegetation or other like substances of any kind, so as to constitute a fire hazard;
      (10)   To keep or suffer to be kept upon or about his or her premises or upon vacant property or public streets or public property within the village any goat, sheep, hog, cattle, fowl or other animal, reptile or serpent other than domesticated house pets;
      (11)   To cause or permit any weeds, such as jimson, burdock, rag weed, thistle, cockle burr or other weeds of a like kind, to grow in any lot or tract of land in the village;
      (12)   To cause or permit any weeds, grass or plants other than trees, bushes, flowers, vegetables or other ornamental plants to grow to a height exceeding 12 inches anywhere in the village; or
      (13)   To permit more than four dogs (over the age of six months) to remain in or about any single-family residence, building or lot, or to permit more than two dogs (over the age of six months) in any single-family unit in any multiple-housing building within the village; any person who currently exceeds the number of allowable pets has three months from the effective date of this subchapter to remove the extra pets and to comply with this subchapter.
   (B)   (1)   It is hereby declared a menace to the public’s safety, and a nuisance for any person, to maintain any buildings or structures which are in unsanitary condition, or in an unsafe or dangerous condition or which, in any manner, endangers the health or safety of any person or persons.
      (2)   Every building or part thereof which is in an unsanitary condition by reason of the basement or cellar being damp or wet, or by reason of the floor of such basement or cellar being covered with stagnant water, or by reason of the presence of sewer gas, or by reason of any portion of the building being infected with disease or being unfit for human habitation, or which, by reason of any other unsanitary condition, is the source of sickness or which endangers the public health, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
   (C)   It is hereby declared a menace to the public safety and a nuisance for any person to cause or permit the existence or storage in any place accessible to children of any abandoned or discarded refrigerator, icebox, ice chest, deep freeze or other air-tight appliance or container of any kind, of a capacity of one and one-half cubic feet or more, from which the lids, doors or other covers have not been removed or which cannot easily be opened by a child, by means of pushing only, from the inside thereof.
   (D)   It is hereby declared a nuisance to the public safety and a nuisance for any person to cause or permit the existence or storage upon any premises within the village for more than 15 days of:
      (1)   Any unused, stripped, junked, wrecked or otherwise inoperable motor vehicle of any kind, or of any other vehicle, implement, machinery, equipment or other personal property of any kind, which is no longer safely operable or usable for the purpose for which it was manufactured;
      (2)   Any parts of such motor vehicle or equipment or old iron, metal, glass, paper, cordage or other waste or discarded secondhand material which has been a part, or intended to be a part, of any motor vehicle, the sum of which parts of material shall be equal in bulk to one or more automobiles, except within a duly licensed junkyard; provided, however, that, this division (D) shall not be construed to apply to any such motor vehicle or equipment and the like that is kept within a building when not in use, or to historical motor vehicles maintained as such, over 25 years of age; or
      (3)   For the purpose of this section, INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLE means any motor vehicle from which the engine, wheels or other parts have been removed, or on which the engine, wheels or other parts have been altered, damaged or otherwise so treated as to render the vehicle incapable of being safely driven under its own motor power; provided, however, that, this definition shall not be construed to include any motor vehicle which has been rendered temporarily incapable of being driven under its own motor power in order to perform ordinary service or repair operations.
(Ord. 268, passed 3-9-1994; Ord. 360, passed 1-18-2012)