(A)   Any purchasing agent may purchase supplies with an estimated cost of less than $500 per purchase on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes, and without receiving any additional approvals from the purchasing agency or from a supervising employee; any purchasing agent may purchase supplies with an estimated cost of from $501 to $2,500 per purchase on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes, but only with the prior approval of that purchasing agent’s direct supervisor; and any purchasing agent may purchase supplies with an estimated cost of from $2,501 to $25,000 per purchase on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes, but only with the prior permission of the purchasing agency.
   (B)   All purchasing agents shall complete the required forms as required by statute, and a copy of said forms are attached hereto in the ordinance codified in this section, and made a part hereof.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.2) (Ord. 1998-6, passed 7-21-1998)