(A)   All notices of invitation for bids shall be published in accordance with I.C. 5-3-1 in the Bourbon News-Mirror. The purchasing agent shall schedule the publication of notice to provide a reasonable amount of time for preparation and submission of bids. A notice will be published two times, at least one week apart. The second publication must occur at least ten days prior to the date the bids will be open.
   (B)   Request for proposals. All notices of request for proposals shall be published in accordance with I.C. 5-3-1 in the Bourbon News-Mirror. The purchasing agent shall schedule the publication of notice to provide a reasonable amount of time for preparation and submission of proposals. The notice will be published two times, at least one week apart. The second publication must occur at least seven days prior to the date the proposals will be open.
   (C)   Request for specifications. All notices of request for specification shall be published in accordance with I.C. 5-3-1 in the Bourbon News-Mirror. The purchasing agent shall schedule the publication of notice to provide a reasonable amount of time for preparation and submission of proposals. The notice will be published two times, at least one week apart. The second publication must occur at least seven days prior to the date the proposal will be opened.
   (D)   Electronic notices. Whenever a notice or other material, including specifications, and invitation for bids, requests for proposals, or requests for specifications is sent by mail, the purchasing agent may also send the notice or other material by electronic means, provided that the transmission of the information is at least as efficient as mailing the information.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.2) (Ord. 1998-6, passed 7-21-1998)