(A)   Height of buildings.
Normal Maximum Height
“GB” and “LI”
60 feet or five stories
   (B)   Front yard.
Depth in Feet
“LI” and “HI”
   (C)   Side yard. None required. However, if a side yard is provided, the minimum dimensions shall be five feet.
   (D)   Rear yard. Ten percent of the depth of lot with a minimum requirement of 15 feet but need not exceed 25 feet in depth (one-half of an alley abutting the rear of a lot may be included in the rear yard to satisfy rear yard requirements, but such alley space shall not be included for loading or unloading berths).
   (E)   Lot coverage. Ninety percent, but this shall not waive provisions of yards where required.
   (F)   Vision clearance on corner lots. Eight feet.
   (G)   Vehicle parking space. One vehicle parking space for each three employees shall be provided on the lot, or within 300 feet thereof on a site approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (H)   Loading and unloading berths. Provided on the lot as follows.
Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.)
Loading and Unloading Berths
15,000 or less
15,001 to 40,000
40,001, to 100,000
Each 40,000 additional
1 additional
   (I)   Paving. Open parking areas and loading and unloading berths shall be paved with a dustproof or hard surface meeting the standard specifications of the town.
   (J)   Lighting facilities. Outdoor lighting facilities, if provided, shall be so arranged as to be reflected away from property residentially zoned or used.
(Prior Code, § 8.5.1) Penalty, see § 154.999