(A)   Specifications. Commercial uses, including wholesale and storage uses conducted within enclosed, substantially constructed buildings.
   (B)   Location permitted. The following classifications of business uses specifically states or implied are permitted in the “GB,” “LI,” and “HI” Districts:
      (1)   Local business uses as listed above;
      (2)   Storage warehouse;
      (3)   Wholesale establishment;
      (4)   Open agricultural implement, automobile, or trailer sales area;
      (5)   Tavern and night club, only in conformity with requirements of laws or ordinances governing such uses;
      (6)   Motor bus or railroad passenger station; and
      (7)   Any commercial use not specifically stated or implied elsewhere in this chapter, and complying with division (A) above.
   (C)   Height of buildings.
Normal Maximum Height
“GB”, “LI,” and “HI”
60 feet or five stories
   (D)   Front yard. Ten feet.
   (E)   Side yard. None required. However, if a side yard is provided, the minimum dimensions shall be five feet.
   (F)   Rear yard. Ten percent of the depth of lot with a minimum depth of 15 feet and need not exceed 25 feet in depth.
   (G)   Lot coverage. Ninety percent, but this shall not waive provision of yards where required.
(Prior Code, § 8.5.1)