(A)   All appointees shall serve in their respective offices as such members during the period they shall continue qualified, and be physically able to perform their duties as such members and faithfully discharge such duties in accordance with such rules and regulations.
   (B)   The Chief of the Department shall be responsible for transmittal to the Clerk-Treasurer, at least once in each month, of a complete record of all alarms to which the Department responded within the limits of such town, and the names of all members of the Department who responded thereto and the time each such member devoted to such alarm response.
   (C)   (1)   The Chief of the Fire Department of said town is hereby empowered at all times to enter into any house, building, cellar, or place that shall be kept, maintained, or permitted to remain within the corporate limits of the town in such a manner as shall be a menace to the public safety from fire, or to enter any house, building, cellar, or place as he or she shall have reasonable cause to believe to be so kept, maintained, or permitted to remain, and such Chief is hereby clothed with police authority to enable him or her to discharge such duty.
      (2)   It shall be the further duty of such Chief whenever, upon examination, he or she shall determine that any such house, building, cellar, or place that has become a menace to public safety from fire, to immediately notify the owners or occupants of such house, building, cellar, or place to at once remedy or remove the menace aforesaid, and at the same time he or she shall make written report of his or her action to the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 5.8)